
Image Management

Image tools resize and position jpeg images. Multiple sizes are generated from each image, including thumbnail and optional panoramic dimensions.

Checked image sizes are generated by default. A custom size may also be specified.
Header Width: 1140px

Smaller header width: 980
Spans 960 layout with 10px margins.

960 wide
640 and 300 with 20 between


120 left
20 margin
550 center
20 margin
250 right
Total width: 960

640 (160 side, 468 text)
20 margin
Total width: 960

160 Snapshot matches Microsoft video
468 Text area matches Google banner
The width of is 974.


Total width: 1012

Ad Size Standards from Google
180 x 150 IMU - (Rectangle)
300 x 250 IMU - (Medium Rectangle)
336 x 280 IMU – (Large Rectangle)
468 x 60 IMU - (Full Banner)

Tiny (tiny) - (80 wide x 60 tall - exact)

Thumbnail (thumb) - (120 wide x 90 tall - exact)

Thumbnail Portrait (tp) - (90 wide x 120 tall)

Thumbnail Square (ts) - (100 wide x 100 tall - exact)

Thumbnail Short (short) (100 wide x 75 tall) - Optimal height for four lines of text beside thumbnail.

Snapshot (snap) - (160 wide x 120 tall) - Matches Microsoft Video.  Element.Snapshot.

Small (sm) - (175 wide x 140 tall) - Default

Small Portrait (por) - (140 wide x 175 tall - exact)

Small Panorama (sp) (250 wide x 100 tall - exact)

Preview Image (pre) (187 wide x 250 tall - exact)

Side Image (side) - (250 wide x 187 tall - fit box, typically cropped)

Medium Image (med) - (300 wide x up to 550 tall - no cropping) - Listings

Home Image (home) - (480 wide x 300 tall) Spans 2 columns.

Page Image (page) - (550 wide x 368 wide) Main column, open ended.  (Saved without suffix in Element.Path)

Large Image (lg) - (640 wide x 480 tall) Suitable for closeups, sending via email and rotating images.

Full Page (full) - (777 wide) full height. Any wider causes horizontal scroll bar to appear in Explorer on 800 pixel wide monitor. Allows for 1 pixel line n each side of image.

Panorama (pan) - (777 wide x 200 tall) Not too wide that the user can not have multiple windows open.

Wide Image (wide) - (1024 wide x 768 tall) Suitable for projected slide shows.

Extra Large Panorama (xlp) - (1280 wide x 450 tall) Suitable for printing on an 11 x 17 inch page.

Screen Image (screen) - (1280 wide x 800 tall) Standard for large screen laptops.

Source Image (source) The file initially uploaded if it exceeds 780. Size up to 5 MB.

Image Identifiers

image-thumb.jpg (thumbnail)
image-sm (preview)
image-med (half page, regular image)
image-lg (email width)
image-full (full browser - 750 pixels)
image-pan (750 by 200)
image-hires (High Resolution)
image-source (original if larger than 750)

Item.ImageName: image.jpg
Item.ImageSizes: med,sm,lg

Mode Values
n = normal (the default, unspecified) - wrapUrl (if blank, use other wrap settings.)
s = static stand-alone version - edit links hidden.
t = text only - wrapTextUrl
l = low bandwidth (faster download / fewer large graphics) - wrapLowBandUrl
m = medium bandwidth - A balance of image sizes
c = column (for narrow screen PDAs) - wrapColumnUrl
x = xml
h = Hide Side Navigation
p = print - wrapPrintUrl
e = email - wrapEmailUrl
o = old browser - wrapOldBrowserUrl
i = invoice/inventory system - Minimized headers, less scrolling

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